Current Standings




2024 - 2025 League Year

Session 2 (Fall)   Final Standings







To qualify for this MVP Standings, you must play a minimum of 8 matches with your team. Also, to participate in the MVP Tournament eligible players'  skill level must be based on at least 10 matches (within the last 2 years) by the date of the MVP Tournament.
You can view the standings above to see how you place among others in your skill level throughout the league for each format you are playing in.
At the end of the session, how you place in the standings will determine if you are eligible to compete in the MVP Tournament.
BLUE SECTION     Congratulations, you make the cut and are invited to to the tournament
WHITE  SECTION  Sorry, you missed the cut (we invite the top third of the field to the tournament).
GREY SECTION     You play on multiple teams and your highest record is reflected in BLUE or WHITE section. 
 MVP 8-Ball Tournament
Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025  for 8-Ball
 MVP 9-Ball Tournament
Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025  for 9-Ball 
Refer to the CALENDAR for specific start times by skill level for each tournament.