Illiana APA awards various patches to players for their individual accomplishments during League play. All teams are responsible for noting which players earn specific patches on their weekly scoresheets. Below are all the patches which you have a chance to win along with a description of how to earn them.
Division Rep PatchEarned when you have been chosen and appointed as a League Representative for your division.
Team Captain PatchEarned when you have led your own team as a Team Captain for an entire Session in your division and participated in the Captain/Co-Captain Tournament.
Team Co-Captain PatchEarned when you have assisted leading a team as a Team Co-Captain for an entire Session in your division and participated in the Captain/Co-Captain Tournament.
500 Club & 1000 Club patches are awarded to players for reaching a longevity milestone with APA. Once a player reaches 500 or 1000 matches in 8-Ball and 9-Ball combined, they will receive a 500 Club or 1000 Club patch for their accomplishment.
500 Club Patch Earned when you have played 500 matches in the 8-Ball or 9-Ball format combined.
1000 Club Patch Earned when you have played 1000 matches in the 8-Ball or 9-Ball format combined.
8-Ball Patches are earned by members playing in an APA 8-Ball format. Players receive these patches in their Team Envelope one week after earning them.
8 ON THE BREAK Chip (8OB) Earned by making a legal break and pocketing the 8-Ball without scratching or jumping the cue ball off the table.
(Eligible for the Patch Program)
8 BREAK & RUN Chip (8B&R) Earned by pocketing a ball on a legal break and running the rest of your balls out, including the 8-Ball, without fouling.
RACKLESS NIGHT Chip (Only in 8-Ball) Earned by starting out breaking in a match and continuing to win and break without racking until the match is won.
8 ON THE BREAK - HLT Patch (8OB - HLT)
Earned while playing in a High Level Tournament such as our Citywide Tournament.
8 BREAK & RUN - HLT Patch (8B&R - HLT)
RACKLESS NIGHT - HLT Patch (Only in 8-Ball)
8-BALL MINI SLAM Chip Earned by making an 8OB and an 8B&R during your match. Mini Slam Patch will be awarded in place of the 2 patches.
9-Ball Patches are earned by members playing in an APA 9-Ball format. Players receive these patches in their Team Envelope one week after earning them.
9 ON THE SNAP Patch (9OS) Earned by making a legal break and pocketing the 9-Ball without scratching or jumping the cue ball off the table.
9 BREAK & RUN Patch (9B&R) Earned by pocketing a ball on a legal break and running the rest of the balls out, including the 9-Ball, without fouling.
9-BALL SHUT-OUT Patch (Skunk Patch) Earned by winning a weekly 9-Ball match by such a wide margin of points that you receive 20 match points and your opponent receives 0.
9 ON THE SNAP - HLT Patch (9OS-HLT) Earned while playing in a High Level Tournament such as our Citywide Tournament.
9-BALL MINI SLAM Patch Earned by making an 9OS and an 9B&R during your match. Mini Slam Patch will be awarded in place of the 2 patches.
8 ON THE BREAK Patch (8OB - MASTERS) Earned while playing in a Masters Division.
8 BREAK & RUN Patch (8B&R - MASTERS) Earned while playing in a Masters Division.
9 ON THE SNAP Patch (9OS - MASTERS) Earned while playing in a Masters Division.
9 BREAK & RUN Patch (9B&R - MASTERS) Earned while playing in a Masters Division.
GRAND SLAM Patch Earned by making an 8OB, 8B&R, 9OS, and 9B&R in a Masters match or a Double Jeopardy match. The Grand Slam Patch is a favorite among all players and earning one is considered a great accomplishment.
Session Ending Patches are earned by top performing players. Players receive these patchs when they are presented with their trophy.
SUMMER DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP Patch Earned when finishing in 1st place (before playoffs) in an 8-Ball, 9-Ball or Masters division.
FALL DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP Patch Earned when finishing in 1st place (before playoffs) in an 8-Ball 9-Ball or Masters division.
SPRING DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP Patch Earned when finishing in 1st place (before playoffs) in an 8-Ball, 9-Ball or Masters division.
DIVISION MVP Patch Earned when finishing with the most MVP points, regardless of Skill Level (before playoffs) in an 8-Ball or 9-Ball division.
8-BALL SKILL LEVEL 7 Patch This is the highest achievable skill level in 8-Ball. This patch is earned when a player reaches Skill Level 7 and maintains it for 10 matches.
9-BALL SKILL LEVEL 9 Patch This is the highest achievable skill level in 9-Ball. This patch is earned when a player reaches Skill Level 9 and maintains it for 10 matches.
NATIONAL QUALIFIER Patch Earned at the Citywide Tournament when your team advances to the National Team Championships in Las Vegas.